In need of some inspiration, imagine that your current potential is just the tip of the Iceberg!
Characteristics of successful people
Vision Successful people have a vision and are not afraid to believe that they can achieve things, don’t let your thoughts hold you back, Develop a vision of where you want to be in the short and long-term and anchor that thought with positive vibes. If you are stuck for ideas use a mood board to help you visualise success. Is a job a means to an end or is it an enabler, what will it allow you to feel, the holidays you can go one, the house you live in, the car you drive. Or perhaps your vision isn’t related to material assets but gives you a sense of achievement, being a leader makes you happy, contributing to society is your greatest gift to future generations. Whatever you want to achieve it starts with your vision and ends with how you feel.
Expertise If you want to be an expert do everything in your power to get credibility, CIPS is a starting point, but not the end journey. Read widely, apply critical thinking and continuously question what can I do better, or how can I better myself. How does your current job give you opportunities to learn and if that’s not available what have you done to change the status quo
Focus Do something brilliantly and not doing lots of things that do not add value, don’t promise everyone the best service only to deliver mediocre results, you might think you are developing a reputation for being solid but others may not agree, by being focused you stick to the most important tasks and get on with it[
Positivity Be positive if you moan a lot of people will view you as being someone low in energy and who wants to be labelled as the negative one
Flexibility Get flexible without being a walkover. Sometimes you need to change your attitude, your way of thinking or how you complete a task, there is nothing wrong with trying other people’s ideas out for size. Flexibility is key to a harmonious relationship but doesn’t do it for the sake of it.
Time Keeping Co-ordinate your diary wisely, only attend meetings that you need to attend, and get into a routine for reading emails, and doing the necessary actions to keep your to-do list short
Communicate Communication is essential, speak to team members, stakeholders or suppliers, always explain when things work well when they are not working, give praise when its due and give feedback in a constructive way
Be Brave Take risk and do not always follow the safe route, those who do not try do not win
Be Generous Life is about “give and take”, by adopting a giving stance you will feel good about yourself and stop yourself operating in a selfish mode operating using a mindset calculating winners and losers, its good for your soul to give freely and will help you develop a good reputation
Self Esteem You must believe in yourself and know that you are deserving
Take Action Life is like sliding doors where you end up is partly dependent on your efforts, people from privileged backgrounds have a better chance of success because of their education, support system etc. A good start in life will help, but you can counteract limitations by taking small steps, any action has a domino effect, doing something positive will means a step in the right direction
Read Books Reading helps develop your vocabulary and open up your imagination
IntuitionTrust your gut instinct, the power of the subconscious mind is powerful
Be Curious Ask questions, don’t accept middle of the road, explore possibilities
Networking Networking isn’t for everyone but when possible to keep in touch with people you like who work in the same field[
Admit Your Wrong No one likes to admit mistakes, but these things happen. Own it and then forgive yourself and forgive others
Be Prepared When thrown into something unknown, or scary or even a routine meeting, the best thing you can do for yourself does a little preparation in advance
I hope this quick blast of inspiration helps you delve deeper and do more than just the tip of the iceberg.
Check out successful leaders and then write a list on how you can delve deeper to dip below the tip of the iceberg
You might also like to watch some TED talks on successful leaders
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Before Waddle On Party, there were many references to an old and famous rumor. For many years, this rumor was false, and the players could not move the Iceberg. It has been said that if enough penguins stop on one side of the iceberg, the iceberg will “roll over”. Once flipped, the iceberg flipped completely, revealing a large dance floor, a basket of free Iceberg Tipper hats, a frozen buoy number 11, and a sign with multiple engravings that read “Together we can build an island, create a community, change the world… and even destroy an iceberg.” .
Additionally, players can flip the iceberg over to reveal its underside: dance floor, speakers, festive lighting, license plates, buoy #1.11, text, and support for free items that include the iceberg dump truck. In Club Penguin’s last party, Waddle On Party, if at least 5 players in another room are blue, with blue bubblegum or any of its variants (blue triceratops bubblegum, blue border collie , Blue Raccoon Bubblegum), Iceberg might tip over. , Blue Deer Puff or Blue Crystal Puff) and dance with a helmet. The iceberg is a large piece of ice floes off the northeast coast of Club Penguin Island. Imagine a
piece of ice, big and hard like a rock, but only the top is visible, the rest is not visible because it’s underwater.
This idiom stems from the fact that only the tip of the iceberg can be seen, while the rest of the iceberg is larger, underwater, and invisible. The tip of the figurative iceberg is the part or easily identifiable part of the problem that lies above the figurative sea. The tip of the iceberg basically means that a small part of a larger situation or problem remains hidden. If something is the tip of the iceberg, it means that something is only a small part of a larger situation.
The tip of the iceberg is a small hint of a problem, the most obvious first part of a much larger problem, or the most obvious sign of a difficult situation to come. The tip of the iceberg is now used for things that only give a small percentage of the situation and may have hidden problems. The idiom “tip of the iceberg” came into use in the 1960s and is only used to refer to something negative, such as a problem that is much more serious than it first appears. The phrase “tip of the iceberg” suggests that what you see is much smaller than what is hidden from view.
When only part of something can be easily observed, but not everything else, we say that part is just the tip of the iceberg. We often come across situations where we get a small amount of information and the rest is still unknown. This small amount of information makes us imagine how serious the situation could be. For example, when we trust someone with a problem and tell one of the parts that seem ugly but not as bad as the others.
Now I’m going to show you some examples of how to use this phrase in various scenarios and conversations so you have a clearer idea of how to place the tip of the iceberg and use it. To see an example of this instability, take a wine cork and submerge it in water in any position. And now imagine for a second that we are sailing on a boat and we see from afar a small
pointed figure above the water, and everything around is dark or covered with icy or snowy water. We only see icebergs as white because of the snow that covers them, at least I do.
In fact, icebergs can be blue, green, yellow, striped, iridescent, or even iridescent. Over 90% of an iceberg’s volume is submerged underwater; therefore, it is always difficult to guess the size of the submerged portion. This is the basis of the iceberg tip concept, because at typical two-phase densities, about 90% of the iceberg’s volume is submerged, leaving only the tip above the water. The seawater tip then sits above the surface with a larger root below it, the mass of each root being determined by the density contrast between the floating solid and the surrounding liquid.

Editors note– When working in procurement, we often find ourselves in situations that unravel where a problem is just the tip of the iceberg. The more you unravel, the more you find so understanding that some situations are just the tip of the iceberg, helps us find our inner resilience to cope with the unknown!
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