Live IT Contracts

Live explained Source: Gov.UK

The live phase is the time to keep improving your service based on:

user feedback
your ongoing user research

Before you go live

Before you can make your service live, you must make sure:

the service meets the user needs you found in your discovery, alpha and beta phases
the service meets information security rules
youโ€™ve set up your analytics to accurately measure the success of your service
youโ€™ve got a plan for the transition or integration of any existing services that meet a similar user need to yours
the service fully meets the Digital Service Standard and can continue to do so
you can support the service and youโ€™ll be able to keep iterating it and improving it until itโ€™s retired

The team you need in live

You should know the roles you need to run your service, based on your experience of building it.

Donโ€™t disband your service team, or hand the service over to a โ€˜business as usualโ€™ team that wonโ€™t keep iterating and improving it.

As you iterate and improve different parts of your service, you may find the team size changes along with your need for specialist roles.

Find out more about the team you need in the live phase.

After you go live

After you move to the live phase you should keep improving your service based on user feedback, analytics and further user research.

You should also:

Monitor the status of your service
Maintain uptime and availability
Practise vulnerability and penetration testing
Test your serviceโ€™s performance
Maintain quality assurance

You should repeat the development phases (discovery, alpha, beta and live) for smaller pieces of work as your service continues running.

Keep finding things that need improvement, do research to get the best solutions, iterate, then release.

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