Daily Tasks Tracker

Use the daily tasks tracker if you have lots of the projects on the go and want to present the information back to management visually or stick it up on the project wall.

A daily task tracker is good for people who are forgetful or like to be organised. This is an excel version, I like to track it in excel so I can share it with other people very quickly without writing up reports, it saves time as you always have the status of all of your projects at your fingertips. If you don't want to use an excel daily task tracker you can use cloud-based versions. I like MS One Note as I type away at meetings and all the information is saved automatically. It also formats quite nicely. If you're a Google user, you can try Google Keep, I find this ok but the functionality is a bit limited. Want it on your mobile-try the Google play store. The Excel version of the daily tasks tracker is the best version to use for work purposes! Top Tips
  • Refresh on a daily basis
  • Archive completed activities in a new tab
  • Keep it to record your work history- invaluable when you need to refresh your memory when its interview time
  • Make sure your comments updates make sense i.e. add information like date updated rather than say document due yesterday or in three days time
  • Use it to feed into the team tracker
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