Category: Public Regulations
Competitive Dialogue Bullet Points
Competitive dialogue checklist! Below I have referenced the key points required for a Competitive Dialogue Process used in an OJEU process. The same principles can be applied in the private sector without the need for formal advertising. Describe the needs and requirements in the contract notice. The substantial or fundamental elements of the notice and…
Why Use A PIN Notice
A PIN Notice can be used for early warning to the market but it can also be used in the same way as a contract notice( Regulation 28) If its used as a call to competition it must contain the information outlined in Annex V Part B I and II in the 2014 Procurement Directive.…
What are the EU Treaty Principles
The EU “Treaty Principles (derived from the TFEU and the fundamental freedoms of the EU) are: * Proportionality. * Mutual recognition. * Transparency. * Non-discrimination. * Equal treatment. The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union applies to all procurement activity regardless of value, including contracts below the thresholds at which advertising in the…
Quick guide to Remedies Directive EU Regs
Here is a quick guide to remember the key points in the Remedies Directives Remedies Directive- Public Contracts Regulations 2009 (amended) Right to sue if a contract is entered into before the standstill period has ended. Automatic right to cancellation or variation of any contract awarded to another bidder if in breach of the rules.…
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