Category: Procurement

  • Tender Clarification

    Tender Clarification

    Tenders normally need to be clarified as part of the evaluation process, how do conduct your tender clarification and are you compliant? When making a tender clarification the principle of fair and equal treatment kicks in. In Case C‑599/10 – SAG ELV Slovensko a.s., and others v Úrad pre verejné obstarávanie, the ECJ set out…

  • Inverted way to Scoring Savings

    Scoring savings An alternative to scoring price is to award marks for the savings that bidders’ propose on the current cost of the services. For example the current cost is £1 million. The contracting authority has carried out market testing which has shown that it is able to achieve savings of at least 20% on…

  • Procurement Evaluation Methods

    Procurement Evaluation Methods

    When preparing a tender a procurement/ commercial manager will need to consider how they intend to evaluate. This needs to be set out in the tender documents to ensure fair and equal treatment of all tenderers. What procurement evaluation methods might you use? Options might include: A written response on how the bidder will meet…

  • 7 Procurement White Papers

    7 Procurement White Papers

    A white paper is an authoritative report or guide that informs readers concisely about a complex issue and presents the issuing body’s philosophy on the matter. It is meant to help readers understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision. The initial British term concerning a type of government-issued document has proliferated, taking a somewhat new meaning…