Category: Inspiration

  • How Netflix Changed HR

    This isn’t procurement, why is it here!  How Netflix changed HR isn’t something you would ordinarily expect in the same sentence, it makes the sentence interesting. Though the website is predominately related to procurement templates, I believe it’s important to understand how different departments or even megabrands operate, knowledge helps you develop your thinking, therefore…

  • How To Use Psychology of Colour in Business

    Use psychology & colour in business to make a difference. Most people are visual and subconsciously react to colours. You might notice that most men like to wear blue because it creates the sensation of trust and security i.e. police officers, or a businessman. Wearing head to toe in one colour for business meetings can be a…

  • Team Meeting Agenda

    Team Meeting Agenda

    Capture information on Team Meetings so you don’t waste time by talking but not capturing actions. This Team Meeting Agenda should do the trick. The purpose of a team meeting is to catch up on a regular basis to discuss a status update. Team members should all be aware of what workload their colleagues have…

  • Stress At Work

    Stress at work can be caused by so many things and sometimes there isn’t a reason, little things add up and cause a snowball effect, to the outside world you have it all but inside you want to be free. Though my blog normally concentrates on templates relating to work for procurement professionals, I have…