Category: Contract Management

  • National Contract Management Association

    National Contract Management Association is an American company, that provides a Contract Management Standard is to describe the nature of contract management in terms of the contract management processes created through the integration and interaction of job tasks and competencies, and the purposes they serve. The common and repeated use of this standard will improve productivity, increase…

  • How to Increase Supplier Performance Metrics

    In this post, I will discuss how to apply supplier performance metrics. Performance is usually measured as part of a service level agreement and KPI’s, even between procurement colleagues there may be some different views on how performance is measured. Measuring Supplier Performance Metrics using KPIs Let’s address KPI’s first ( below are some examples)…

  • How To Conduct Effective Supplier Relationship Management for Better Results

    Supplier Relationship Management is used interchangeably with Contract Management. SRM focuses on people and relationships whilst contract management is checking the benefits realised from managing a contract after its awarded. Both of them involves a process of managing contracts during its lifetime to maximise the benefits and minimising poor performance and associated risks with a…

  • Contract Lifecycle Management

    After a tender is complete it is imperative that buyers or procurement professionals acknowledge that we need to conduct a contract lifecycle management process. How to conduct supplier reviews and carry out a contract lifecycle management process. 1.    Aim for Senior management buy-in and speak to budget holders about which suppliers to address a total of …