Single Tender Action Form

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 SINGLE TENDER ACTION FORM (exceptional circumstances) review the procurement

Requestor Name
Name of Budget Holder
Tel no
Project title
Proposed contract to be awarded (i.e. what is the purpose of the Contract, what will be delivered under the Contract, what are the proposed Contract outputs)
Proposed contract value (ex VAT) 4 Year Term        ☐

One off Project    ☐

Proposed contractor


The Contract falls within an exemption or exclusion to the Procurement Regulations.  Please identify the relevant provision from the Regulations
Please explain in a clear and comprehensive manner why you believe the award of the Contract through a Single Tender route without any competitive process is considered lawful and appropriate

(Please limit your response to one A4 page where possible)

Please detail the selection methods applied to identify the proposed Contractor (Please limit your response to one A4 page where possible)
A tender should still be submitted by the supplier to allow for a benchmark of the rates.


I have not attempted to distort any competition and acknowledge that deliberate avoidance of competition and transparency is a disciplinary offence.

I acknowledge that if the contract value is above the OJEU threshold (£——K) I am able to defend my decision to authorise a Single Tender Action and believe that the reasons outlined above will stand up in the court of Law.

Exemption Authorised by:

Signed by:                                                  (Signature)



For and on behalf of
