Quick Formulas

  • Price Difference (new- original)/original X100
  • Max Score 100 100/ score X weighting
  • Max Score between 2 numbers score/max score or price/max price i.e A1/A2
  • Tender Score actual score/ max score X weighting
  • Price Score lowest price/tender price X weighting
  • Original Price from Discount % = price/(1- discount) or sale price/percentage paid -to work out % paid add a pre-requsite calculation 1-% discount)
  • Increase by percentage = price X (1+percent increase)
  • Calculating Working Days in Excel =NETWORKDAYS
  • Amending dates in excel to show month and year  
  • =TEXT(G2,”mmmm”) i.e. G2 is column end date
  • =YEAR(G2) =CONCATENATE(R2,” “,S2) to combine month and year
  • =CONCATENATE(R2,” “,S2) to combine month and year
  • EDATE to count number of forceast months – function requires two arguments: the start date and the number of months that you want to add or subtract. To subtract months, enter a negative number as the second argument. For example, =EDATE(“9/15/19”,-5) returns 4/15/19.

Protect a worksheet but allow specific cells to be edited

Lock or Unlock Cells
  1. Select the cells you want to unlock.
  2. Click the Format button on the Home tab.
  3. Select Format Cells.
  4. Click the Protection tab.
  5. Clear the Locked check box. You can also toggle the lock on and off by clicking the Format button and selecting Lock Cell. …
  6. Click OK.

Unlocking a scanned PDF doc

In Word, click File > Open. Browse to the location of the PDF file on your computer and click Open. A message appears, stating that Word will convert the PDF file into an editable Word document. Click OK.

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