How To Use Psychology of Colour in Business

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Use psychology & colour in business to make a difference. Most people are visual and subconsciously react to colours. You might notice that most men like to wear blue because it creates the sensation of trust and security i.e. police officers, or a businessman.

Wearing head to toe in one colour for business meetings can be a bit overpowering, and change up your outfit by wearing accent colours such as a tie. Females have a wider choice on how they want to wear colour.

Different color evokes similar emotional responses in most people. however there may be cultural difference people of different cultures may have different thoughts and emotions about certain colours, for example, red is normally seen as confident and fiery but in Chinese culture, it is also a sign of good luck.

When humans see the color red, their reactions become faster and more forceful. However, that boost of energy is likely to be short-lived and ultimately, red reduces analytical thinking.

Research has linked green with broader thinking and more creative thought. People generally like green. “There seems to be a positive association between nature and regrowth,”   When asked what their favourite colour is, the most common answer around the world is blue. This may be because when our ancestors used to see blue – like a clear blue sky or a watering hole. It's linked to our survival instincts. Overall, yellow remains the least likely favourite colour for most people, so pick a different colour if you want to appeal to the masses. Don't write it off altogether, just use smaller splashes of colour and different hues. People associate the colour orange with a good value. Sometimes I also associate it with technology. Pink is serene, romantic and a calming colour. Black and white are classic colours where you can't go wrong but I wouldn't recommend wearing just black every day as you might be perceived as boring with no flair. Doing business is about using all the senses and an array of toolkits at your disposal to make you stand out from the crowd.