Category: Inspiration

  • Harnessing Neuroplasticity

    Harnessing Neuroplasticity

    How can Neuroplasticity help procurement professionals? It helps those who might think this is who I am, the way I think can’t be changed its innate, my thought process, my beliefs and I can’t or don’t want to change. However, there are times where being stuck with our own version of the truth with no…

  • 14 Reasons Why Procurement Shouldn’t be in Charge of Valentines Day

    14 Reasons Why Procurement Shouldn’t be in Charge of Valentines Day

    Happy Valentines day, here is some procurement satire for February the 14th! Lack of Emotional Sensitivity: Procurement departments are typically focused on logistics, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency, which may not align with the emotional nuances and sentimentality of Valentine’s Day. Limited Creativity: Procurement professionals are trained to streamline processes and optimize resources, but they may lack…

  • Working in Saudi Arabia

    Working in Saudi Arabia

    So, you’ve probably heard of the visionary architectural Neom Project. But what is it like to work in a country like Saudi Arabia? Saudi Arabia stands as a dynamic economic force in the Middle East, driven by its oil-rich resources and strategic investments in diversified sectors. Its Vision 2030 initiative reflects a commitment to economic…

  • UK v US Procurement

    UK v US Procurement

    Procurement processes in the USA and the UK share some similarities, but there are also key differences due to variations in legal frameworks, regulations, and cultural practices. It’s important to note that specific details can change over time, and you should always refer to the latest guidelines and regulations in each country. Here are some…